Champions Fly Five33
Every Five33 product guarantees the highest quality on the market. When you purchase from us, you're getting parts that are the certified Choice of Champions worldwide.
The ViFly Cam Switcher allows you to simply and easily switch between two FPV cameras via your RC transmitter. Whether you're using a PWM receiver on an RC plane, or SBUS/IBUS/DSMX RX on a racing quad, the ViFly Cam Switcher can use the signal from many types of RX thanks to its clever design and programming. No need to involve the flight controller. This means no Betaflight configuration fiddling. This also means faster response and minimal transition time between FPV feeds. Super tiny and lightweight, perfect for building a "CheaterKwad" of just about any size, as seen below...
Every Five33 product guarantees the highest quality on the market. When you purchase from us, you're getting parts that are the certified Choice of Champions worldwide.